by Action 911 | Mold Damage, Water Damage
Mold is a fungus, and it grows on food, cardboard, wood products, and other organic matter. It thrives in moist, warm conditions and grows on a damp surface within 24 to 48 hours. It will continue to grow until moisture is reduced and the mold is eliminated. Mold is...
by Action 911 | Mold Damage
That annoying black ring in the toilet bowl, usually lurking right at the water line, is more common than you think. Mold in toilets comes in other colors too – green or grey. Read on to find out what mold in toilet is and why it keeps showing up as well as how to...
by Action 911 | Water Damage
Drywall is a flat panel of gypsum plaster squeezed in between two sheets of thick exterior paper used in homes. Builders use it to create walls, ceilings, arches and other interior design features. It is an ideal construction material – inexpensive, fire-resistant,...