Smoke Smell Removal for Your House with These Tips

Smoke Smell Removal for Your House with These Tips

If you have had a fire in your home, you probably have some degree of smoke damage. Smoke and harsh chemicals will spread throughout the entire home, cling to walls, penetrate furniture and clothing, damage electronics, and fill up ductwork. Acid in the smoke and...
Drywall Water Damage Restoration Guide

Drywall Water Damage Restoration Guide

Drywall is a flat panel of gypsum plaster squeezed in between two sheets of thick exterior paper used in homes. Builders use it to create walls, ceilings, arches and other interior design features. It is an ideal construction material – inexpensive, fire-resistant,...
Asbestos Abatement for Remodeling Your Bathroom

Asbestos Abatement for Remodeling Your Bathroom

Asbestos is commonly associated with popcorn ceilings, but it can also be found in floor tiles and drywall. Its durability and resistance to electricity, heat, and corrosion made it a useful and popular material for residential projects in the past. However, it is now...